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Based On The Lastest Sleep Research And Science

Learn The 15-Point IQ BOOST You're Missing Every Single Night

How To Master The Ability To Stop Feeling Tired ALL The Time So You Can Wake Up Everyday Energised & Refreshed

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As Seen In

What Is

The Total Sleep Toolkit?

It's Based On Brand New Sleep Research

Over the last two years there have been several ground-breaking studies in sleep research that have transformed the way we think about sleep.

The Total Sleep Toolkit has been developed using this new research combined with a program of activities, supplements, tools, resources and behaviours uniquely developed by us.

A COMBINATION Of Solutions Unique To You

If you're always feeling tired, I've no doubt you've already tried a few things to feel better? From getting an early night to taking capsules, most people have tried it all.

Feeling energized everyday actually requires a combination of changes unique to each invididual. Your 'unique combination lock code' to unlock your energy is what you'll learn in this pack.

Proven And Effective Without Medications

One thing the Total Sleep Toolkit is not, is a shopping list for the pharmacy.

Don't get me wrong, there are a few non-medical supplements (that really work) that we might recommend if they're suitable for you.

But everything in this toolkit is proven, effective and guaranteed to work or your money back.

Fast And Simple Changes Starting Tonight

Absolutely anybody can get huge benefits from the resources in the Total Sleep Toolkit.

I'm not going to insist you start doing hours of exercise or other impossible challenges.

And with a few easy changes, you could start seeing a difference to your sleep and energy levels as soon as tonight and then tomorrow daytime.

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Curious About What You're Getting For Only $27?

The Unique And Cutting Edge New Program for Better Rest - The Total Sleep Toolkit...

Sleep Masterclass

Video Course & Materials

Our flagship training course to help you unlock the unique combination of actions that will give you the rest you need.


De-Stresser Toolkit

Video Course & Materials

Learn the science behind what makes you feel stressed and anxious all the time, and how to get back control.


Sleep Environment

Video Course & Materials

Your bedroom is one of the biggest reasons your sleep isn't great. So learn how to perfect your restful environment.


Sleep Audio Guide

Audio Playlist

Relaxing techniques to fall asleep in under ten minutes to beautiful, peaceful music and sounds.


Bedtime Routine


Dial in your nighttime process to wind down gradually and effectively enabling you to fall asleep consistently every night.


Sleep Quality Spy


Feeling rested isn't about one good night. Track your sleep patterns over time and indentify what works best for you.


30-Day Money Back Guarantee

finally! Say goodbye to Tired Afternoons, Brain fog and Relying On Coffee to Get Through The day...

  • Tired of feeling tired? Dragging yourself through the day, struggling to stay focused, and relying on sheer willpower to make it to bedtime? Despite spending hours in bed, you wake up just as exhausted as before. It's always the same?

  • Have you ever felt like no matter what you try, nothing works? You’ve cut out caffeine, bought the best pillows, and even tried sleep apps, yet the brain fog lingers, and the mid-afternoon crash hits hard. Your productivity and focus disappear, leaving you drained.

  • And not having the energy or mental clarity during the day doesn’t just affect work—it impacts everything? Your relationships, your health, and your ability to enjoy life are all suffering. Imagine how different things would be if you could finally wake up refreshed and energized, ready to take on the day.

If this sounds like you, don't worry! We created the Total Sleep Toolkit to help you fix all that for $149.00 Just $27.00!

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Is Your Bad Sleep Stealing Your Best Years?

It's time to stop feeling tired...

...before it's too late.

Hey there, you, the one who always feels tired...

Yeah, you - the one with the dark circles under your eyes and the coffee mug permanently attached to your hand.

Can I ask you a question to test your tiredness level?

How long does it take you to remember what you had for dinner last night?

......I'll wait.

You see, if it takes a little while to remember easy things like that, you're probably not getting enough quality rest.

And the first step to fixing it and ending the fog, is understanding what it's really costing you:

Your career, your relationships, your lifespan, your weight, your intelligence, your happiness, your cancer risk, your social life, your libido...

Do I need to go on?

Everyone is super keen to improve themselves.

Yet we spend a THIRD of our lives in bed, and most people don't work on optimizing their sleep at all.

You don't need one fix.


The big reason you've been chasing an answer and not getting one is because you need more than one remedy.

It's a unique combination that you need to unlock to give YOU the rest that YOU need.

People get so used to feeling tired, they start to think it's normal.

But if any of the options below apply, I'm here to tell you it's anything but normal and you need to fix it:

  • Ever zoned out during a crucial meeting, only to snap back to reality when someone asks for your opinion?

  • Found yourself staring at a simple email for 10 minutes, trying to remember how words work

  • Reached for that third donut because your sleep-deprived brain is screaming for a sugar hit?

  • Snapped at your kid for breathing too loudly, then felt like the worst parent ever?

  • Looked in the mirror and wondered when you aged a decade overnight?

Now you know what's at stake, let's get into it.

Because without noticing, you're sabotaging your success, one restless night at a time.

I'm Alex, and I've spent years watching brilliant minds like yours dim their own light by treating sleep like a luxury instead of the career superpower it really is.

A research study by Loughborough University discovered that every hour of sleep less than 8 hours could knock at least one point off your IQ.

And that it would be easy to lose 15 points off your IQ in a week. FIFTEEN POINTS!

Furthermore, someone starting with an average IQ of 100 could easily become categorised as having learning difficulties over that timeframe by losing 15 points or more.

So if you're wondering why you can't remember what you had for dinner last night...that's why!

By not getting enough good quality sleep consistently, it's affecting all areas of your life without you realising.

Which to me is crazy, because it's one of the easiest health fixes going...when you know what to do.

So if you're ready to kiss goodbye to the old you, keep reading and learning.

If you're mentally nodding along (because you're too tired to nod physically), you're not alone.

And it's not your fault.

We've all bought into the grand lie that sleep is for the weak.

That burning the midnight oil is the price of admission to the success club.

But here's the kicker...

The real high-flyers?

They're not burning the candle at both ends.

They're sleeping like babies and waking up ready to set the world on fire.

Think about it. Jeff Bezos, the guy who revolutionized how we shop, insists on 8 hours of shut-eye.

LeBron James, arguably the greatest athlete of our time, gets a whopping 12 hours.

And Arianna Huffington?

She credits sleep with saving her sanity and her business.

The truth is, quality sleep isn't just about avoiding under-eye bags (though that's a nice perk).

It's about sharpening your mental sword, refilling your creativity well, and armoring up your resilience for the battles ahead.

And here's the best part: You don't need to sleep more to join this secret society of well-rested overachievers.

You need to sleep SMARTER not more.

Now, I can almost hear your sleep-deprived brain protesting: "But I've tried everything! Nothing works for me!".

Maybe you've:

  • Popped enough sleeping pills to tranquilize a small elephant, only to wake up feeling like you've been hit by a truck?

  • Invested in a mattress that costs more than your first car, promising heavenly sleep but delivering hellish nights?

  • Attempted to "catch up" on sleep during weekends, turning yourself into a human pendulum swinging between exhaustion and jet lag?

  • Resigned yourself to believing that good sleep, like your metabolism, is just another casualty of adulthood?

Trust me, I get it.

I've been there, done that, and got the "I ♥ Insomnia" t-shirt.

But then I discovered something that changed everything:

Great sleep isn't about how long you're horizontal. It's about how effectively you recharge your batteries while you're there.

Introducing the Total Sleep Masterclass: Your Secret Weapon for World Domination (or at least feeling human again).

This isn't just another "drink chamomile tea and count sheep" snooze fest.

The Total Sleep Masterclass is your personalized battle plan for conquering the night and owning your days.

No, it's NOT normal to always feel drained...

Stop telling yourself it is.

Stop telling yourself you've given up.

Break the vicious cycle of being too tired to do anything about it.

Because the answer to your problem is right here, and it's going to fix it fast.

In this game-changing masterclass, you'll uncover:

  • The sleep sweet spot YOUR unique body craves (spoiler: it's probably not what you think)

  • How to wipe out your sleep debt faster than you can say "Chapter 11"

  • The dead-simple trick to boost your IQ by up to 15 points (it's like Limitless, but without the sketchy pills)

  • How to turn your bedroom into a sleep sanctuary that would make even Sleeping Beauty jealous

  • The foolproof method to fall asleep faster than a toddler after a sugar crash

  • How to wake up feeling like you've had a week-long vacation (even if you've only been asleep for 7 hours)

Wouldn't it be great if you could feel 'alive' again?

And the kicker?

You'll achieve all this without needing to move to a mountaintop monastery or invest in weird gadgets that make you look like a sleep-deprived Robocop.

But don't just take my word for it.

Check out these sleep success stories:

"I used to think 'I'll sleep when I'm dead.' Now I sleep like the dead and live like I'm immortal. Last month, I closed a deal that doubled our company's revenue. Coincidence? I think not." - Mark R., CEO and former zombie

"As a mom of three tiny tornadoes and a surgeon, I thought sleeping well was a fairytale. Now, I'm performing complex surgeries AND building epic pillow forts with energy to spare." - Dr. Sarah L., Supermom and Scalpel Wizard

"I've spent more on sleep aids than my college tuition. This masterclass is the only thing that's actually worked. I'm sleeping better, thinking clearer, and my staff has stopped hiding from me. Win-win!" - James T., Recovering Insomniac and Happy Boss

So what do you actually need?

Here's a sneak peek of what you'll learn:

  • The sleep sweet spot YOUR unique body craves (spoiler: it's probably not what you think)

  • How to wipe out your sleep debt faster than you can say "Chapter 11"

  • The dead-simple trick to boost your IQ by up to 15 points (it's like Limitless, but without the sketchy pills)

  • How to turn your bedroom into a sleep sanctuary that would make even Sleeping Beauty jealous

  • The foolproof method to fall asleep faster than a toddler after a sugar crash

  • How to wake up feeling like you've had a week-long vacation (even if you've only been asleep for 7 hours)

And that's only a tiny fraction.

In the Total Sleep Toolkit you will learn HUNDREDS of different ways to improve the quantity and quality of your sleep.

And, most importantly of all, what the unique combination of these different methods is for you.

Here's A Quick summary Of everything You’re Getting For Just $149.00 $27.00 Today

just $27.00 now - PRICE GOING UP to $149.00 SOON!

The Total Sleep Toolkit

  • Perfect Sleep Environment

  • De-Stresser Toolkit

  • Sleep Audio Guide

  • Blissful Bedtime Routine

  • Sleep Quality Spy

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